Decoration AND Feng Shui

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? What Is The Feng Shui

Feng means wind and shui means water. In Chinese culture wind and water are associated with good health, thus good feng shuicame to mean good fortune, while bad feng shui means bad luck, or misfortune. 
WHAT IS THE Feng Shui ? ... is a simple question that can be difficult to answer. Feng Shui is an ancient art and science developed over 3,000 years ago in China. It is a complex body of knowledge that reveals how to balance the energies of any given space to assure the health and good fortune for people inhabiting it. 
   What And  Where We Can  USE OF FENG SHUI ?

Office and Business Feng Shui

Feng shui is religiously applied by many business tycoons all over the world because it really works. Learn how to successfully apply feng shui for your business success. Create a smart office with some practical feng shui tips and start reaping the benefits!

Feng Shui in Real Estate

Feng shui can help you in both selling and buying a new home. In selling your house you can apply many basic feng shui tips to speed up the sale. Learn from real life case studies how smart feng shui real estate tips can sell your home faster and for a better price.

Garden Feng Shui Tips

Bring balance and beauty into your garden with basic feng shui tips. Good feng shui in your garden will help attract nourishing, high quality feng shui energy to your home, as well as delight all your senses. When it comes to a good feng shui garden, the size of your garden is not the main criteria.

Home Renovation and Remodeling

Are you thinking of renovating or remodeling your home? If you do, I strongly suggest you look into feng shui for remodeling and renovating and take some time to assure the success of your renovation by applying feng shui principles.
What is the effect Of Feng Shui ?

Feng Shui Health Tips

By applying some basic feng shui tips, you can greatly improve your health and your sense of well being. Feng shui will help you bring healing beauty and harmony into your life and create a good feng shui energy home. Use simple feng shui tips to improve your health and well-being.

Love & Marriage Feng Shui Tips

Feng Shui wisdom offers a variety of cures to improve your love life, as a harmonious and happy love life is an important part of your well-being. Learn how to apply the feng shui tips for love & marriage, read the feng shui case studies and start nourish your love life the easy way with feng shui.

Money & Abundance Feng Shui

Good Feng Shui, affirm the Masters, does not bring you wealth if you do not strive for it, but it gives you the necessary support to seek fame and fortune. It helps you create an environment, both at home and in the business, that will strengthen you and attract the energies to manifest your wealth.

FFeng Shui And Decorate Our Home
Learn how to create a harmonious, happy home by applying practical and easy feng shui tips. Feng Shui has a variety of tips for a happy feng shui home, all based on the fact that if you live in a healthy and happy feng shui home, your own energy will inevitably become healthy and happy.

                                                                  Feng Shui Tips for Your Bedroom

                                                                                                               A good feng shui bedroom is a bedroom that promotes a fresh flow of 
                              nourishing and sensual energy. A good feng shui                             
                                                                                                bedroom is fun and pleasurable to be in, either you are there for a                                                                

                                                                                   quick nap, a good night sleep or to make passionate love. 

The first thing that you need to do is get yourself a good compass and determine what is in the southeastern corner of your home. The Southeastern sector of your home governs both your cash flow as well as your faith in the idea that you will always be able to create money.
According to the classic and traditional rules of Feng Shui (the ancient art of object placement to increase good energy in your life) the items that you place in this part of your should be things that align with the energies of personal abundance.
Things that Create Prosperity:
  • The colors purple, red and green. These three colors support prosperity energy in a space. A pleasant still life to attract this energy is a pretty glass bowl containing a purple amethyst, a red carnelian and a green piece of jade. You also might want to consider painting this corner one of these colors or using purple, red and green lighting in this corner. An easy way to enhance the color value in this corner is to purchase a lava lamp in purple, red or green. The great thing about a lava lamp is that it also moves, and in Feng Shui, anything electronic or moving helps keep the money circulating in your life.
  • Fake Money. This is the place to put that fake million-dollar bill you got in a novelty store in a frame and hang it. Some people even keep monopoly money in this area as a symbol of their circulating prosperity. A bowl of foreign coins can also be placed here to magnetize wealth into your life.
  • Fountain. This is one the two best places in the entire bagua to place a flowing fountain. The other is your Career sector. Flowing water represents the flowing of money. The Chinese consider wood or bamboo fountains to be especially auspicious when placed in this area.
  • Jewels. Treasure chests or displays of real or costume jewelry can help attract the chi of abundance to your southeastern prosperity sector.
  • Jade Plant. The Jade plant is the ultimate symbol of prosperity for the Chinese. It's flat round leaves and compact shape makes it the Asian equivalent of a money tree.
  • Fruit Trees. Small orange, lemon or lime trees also contain money-drawing properties and are ideal to place in this sector.
  • Things That Put You in the Poorhouse:
    • Clutter. The planet Venus rules prosperous energy. Venus won't enter a dirty home. Piles of junk serve as an obstacle so that positive energy cannot pool and accumulate in your space.
    • Leaks. If you have a kitchen or a bathroom with a leaky faucet in this area than the theory is that your money will also be leaking away.
    • Toilets. If you have a toilet in this area and there is nothing you can do about it, then make sure that you keep the lid closed at all times to keep your cash from being "flushed away."
    • Kitty litter boxes. Animal toilets have the same negative association as toilets -- especially if they smell bad.
    • Broken objects. The theory is that " If it's broke, you probably are too! "Remove anything that doesn't work including clocks that keep the wrong time, dead batteries and similar decrepit items from this area. Also replace any burnt out light bulbs, as it is essential that this area be well lit.
    • Dead or withering plants: Anything obviously decomposing is antithetical to the energy of prosperity and should be removed from this area.
    • Trash cans. Like the toilet, this item drains vital energy from the prosperity area.


  • IF you are married or in a relationship hang pictures of you & your mate .

  • Place a pair of objects together, like 2 mandarin ducks or 2 cranes that mate for life, that will represent successful partnering in the far right rear corner of the bedroom or the Southwest corner.

  • Mandarin ducks are famous symbols of lovers and potent symbol of marital bliss. It creates chi that helps lovers tie the knot. Placing a pair of ducks in the Southwest corner home; or in the far right corner of your living room or your bedroom will activate love and marriage chi!

  • Symbols of love and marriage. In Feng Shui a pink quartz crystal is very powerful. You can get them in heart shape.

  • Remove or cover any mirrors in the bedroom. A mirror facing the bed from any side (ceiling, wall, closet door, dressing table) reflects the couple on the bed. This could create a failure in the relationship or marriage due to a third party interference or infidelities.

  • Televisions are just as negative as mirrors. So remove them from the bedroom.

  • Place the bed where it is not in a direct line with the door. Especially do not have your feet towards the door. They take the dead from their bedroom feet first.

  • Do not place the bed under a window.

  • Your bed should be accessible from three sides, if you want to attract or keep a partner.

  • Sleep with your head towards one of your Auspicious Directions, preferably your Sheng Chi directions.

  • Treat yourself to fresh flowers and replace often. However, do not put them in the Southwest corner nor the right rear corner of any room. Fresh flowers clashes with the element of romance, which is Earth.

  • Take any abstract, sad, dark or scary artwork from bedroom. We want to create a safe, peaceful and almost fantasy like setting. Bedrooms are for sleeping and making love. Art objects like swords, guns, abstract, sad or dark can encourage very negative like dreaming and fighting.

  • Buy yourself a gift that will symbolizes a new relationship. Place it in a prominent place in your home and every time you pass it, see yourself meeting your perfect mate.

  • Hang a painting of Peonies in the living room on the South wall for love.

  • IF you are single then outside your bedroom door put two silk Peonies towards the South or left side of the door.

  • Remove any objects in the bedroom that remind you of work.

  • Remove any pictures your family or children from the master bedroom.

  • Remove any and all items from under the bed, it can cause detrimental disagreements.

  • Place 2 red candles in the Southwest corner of your space or the far right corner of your bedroom. Light them nightly for a few minutes to ignite the spark of romance.

  • Use beads or fabric as an alternative to doors. They enhance our visual senses as well as our sense of touch and give us a feeling of romance.

  • Hanging crystals (preferable pink and heart-shaped) in a sunny window catches the sunlight and creates attractive rainbow patterns, which bring good yang energy (love energy).

  • Adding a wind chime in the sunny window can also increase the beneficial effects of good yang energy.

  • Plant 2 of something, such as 2 fruit trees in the right hand corner of your back yard, symbolizing your fruitful relationship.

  • If planting 2 fruit bearing trees is not possible, you can place a table with 2 chairs. You and your mate can enjoy romantic dinners by candlelight or moonlight. Fresh flowers on the table would be good also.

  • Include the romance colors in your bedroom, shades of red, pink and white. It is best not to use a red bedspread as red can ignite anger as well as passion. A little red goes a long way.

  • Place 2 red hearts in one of your relationship areas. This will enhance your present relationship or if you are single, help you to find a new and one exciting one.

  • If you are single, make two wish lists. One of what qualities for your ideal mate and the other what qualities for your ideal relationship. They are two separate things. Be very very specific. If you want someone who is gentle, what does that mean to you. Make sure you do not use negative statements. Example, I don't what a mate who cheats. Rather say, I want a mate who is monogamous. Spend at least 10 minutes daily with the lists. Get your senses involved...smell, touch, taste, hearing, seeing and feeling. Make copies of the list and place it where you will see it often. Each time you pass your list, see yourself meeting your ideal mate. Before you know it your mate is there.

  • If your bathtub is in the far right rear corner of your bathroom, use items that are waterproof to represent you and your mate. You can use 2 pink rose quartz crystals, the shampoo and conditioner or 2 rubber duckies.

  • Relocate any exercise equipment if it's in you're bedroom. It could feel like you have to constantly work at having a good relationships.

  • To represent relationships in your kitchen, use items like 2 red canisters, a vase on the table with 2 red or pink flowers in it, salt and pepper shakers or 2 flowering plants in red or pink.

  • If you are single, you could set your table for 2. Maybe even light 2 candles. See your mate sitting across the table from you as you enjoy your meal.

  • DOUBLE HAPPINESS SYMBOL - This symbol is auspicious when it comes to activating marriage luck. If you are already married it enhances your married life and brings wonderful and eternal love in your relationship. If you are single you may want to try this out. Paint this symbol in red on a rock or boulder and place it in the Southwest corner of your home.                                       


    Enhancing Colors: 
    Blues, & Greens

    he HEALTH & FAMILY area is located East corner of your home and/or business. In the individual rooms it is located in the left middle section of the Bagua. This area represents new beginnings; health issues (be they physical and/or mental); family; and friends, who are like family members. 

    • Hang pictures of your family and friends. Make sure that if 3 people are in the photos they are not all sitting side-by-side, but maybe one standing behind the two sitting. Side-by-side is very bad Feng Shui. 
    • Book about nutrition, herbs, and healing are excellent for the Health & corner. 

    • Healthy plants. 

    • Hanging or placing healing crystals are great in this corner. 

    • Clear crystals - gives the room a rainbow affect, which is a healthy does of color therapy; Rose crystals - emotional health; Green crystals - physical health; Blue crystals - mental clarity; Red crystals - gives a jump start to whatever area it is place. 

    • Placing blue & green items in this area helps activate the Health & Family corner. 

    • Things made of wood, a nurturing wood frame. 

    • Mirrors in this area can be a great cure for bad health and sudden illnesses. 

    • Things that remind you of your family or a good friend. 

    • This is a perfect area to put exercise equipment. 

    • Inherited art or furniture and/or antiques, as they honor the heritage. 

    • Objects or patterns that are rectangular or columnar. 

    • Help neighbors clean their yard. It will improve and both your lives. 

    • Hang or place some reminder of the fun you have in the physical world. (Tennis rackets, ski equipment, etc.) 

    • Hang a picture of your favorite sports team; a cap from that team; a shirt, etc. 

    • Get a pet if you do not already have one. They have stimulating life force energy. They are great companions and they love us unconditionally. 

    • Move important furniture like beds, desks, and couches from under overhead beams. They can feel like knives cutting us. 

    • Turn off electric blankets before falling asleep, the electricity can disrupt our system. 

    • Burn incense, use essential oils, or some sort of aroma therapy. Smells, like pleasant sounds and color have a healing effect on us. 

    • Buy yourself a gift that represents good health, place it in a prominent position and when you see it, visualize optimum health. 

    • Wear green often; it is the color of health and healing. 

    • If you see an unpleasant view from any of your windows , place a mirror on the opposite wall to send the image back outside. 

    • Clear away any clutter in the back, front and side yards. Pay close attention to what is stored on the left side of your house. 

    • Wear pink colors to melt away anger. Wear green to promote healthy feelings. Green also restores and soothes your soul. 

    • Place items in your health area that represent long life, such as cranes, or a tortoise, or any animal or plant that lives a long time. 

    • East is a very desirable direction for the kitchen.
    • The element of East is wood. So lots of wood items; potted plants, furniture, wood picture frames, figurines, carvings, etc..
    • If you are having trouble conceiving, place a dragon in this area.
    • Don't have mirrors in the bedroom. The water element of the mirror will cause ill health; as well as other water feature such as aquariums, paintings of rivers and lakes or televisions.
    • To enhance health, based on your Kua Number, sleep with your head towards your Health (Tien Yi) direction.
    • Avoid sleeping in a room where a toilet or washing machine is located upstairs.
    • Try not to sleep in a room, which opens directly to a set of stairs, a staircase, or a long hallway (did you see "The Shining"? The hallway was creepy).
    • Make sure the corner of a dresser, armoire, etc. is not point towards the bed; they are poison arrows and harmful.
    • If your bedroom has open beams, try not to sleep under them. That can cause headaches.

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